Beaches Tanning Center has partnered with Tifie Humanitarian to raise money for the hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico.Light Up Puerto Rico will provide badly needed solar-powered lights, solar-powered generators, and tent shelters to parts of Puerto Rico most affected by Hurricane Maria. Beaches will donate 5% of all lotion sales and customers can also make a small donation of $1, $5 and $10. All of the proceeds will be given to Tifie Humanitarian. Those who donate will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a year-long Diamond Beach Club membership and a lotion of their choosing. One entry per $5 to win.
The situation in Puerto Rico is dire and the power outage has made the situation dangerous. Estimates of when Puerto Rico will regain power ranges from three to six months. Light Up Puerto Rico will provide immediate relief and start the rebuilding process. Our partner Tifie Humanitarian has secured a chartered jet bound to Puerto Rico that will deliver solar-powered generators, solar-powered lights, tent shelters and solar panels.
Their struggles are near and dear to our hearts. We feel compelled to action in providing relief through light, shelter, and service. Please join Beaches from Oct. 1-Oct. 22 to help us Light Up Puerto Rico.